We have had the most sociable weekend celebrating the birthday of our beloved Queen. We celebrated with a mix of new friends, old friends, red friends, blue friends, (sorry the day care is sending me a bit mad with the repetions of books, i think i read Dr Seuss's one fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish 18 times on Thursday hehe) any who, on friday we had a BBQ with the local South African crew whom are an absolute blast to hang with. It was also a night of introducing us to home brew liquor, which i can happily report is surprisingly delicious ;)
Cooper and i headed into town for a play date on Saturday. Which was great and just what i needed, sometimes its a little challenging as an adult to make friends, especially ones that you have genuine a connection with; apart from having children the same age that is. We really did have fantastic time; a few hour catch up soon turned into a 5 hour chatting sesh! thank you Renee, Irene and Carley for the invite, we can't wait for the next one! i do think i'll have to pack a lunch next time though hehe.
Aaron played footy that afternoon with the local guys and kicked two winning goals! so proud. That night we headed in again to a late bbq, bomb fire and toasting marshmellows at the Reid's.
Sunday morning we were invited out to Leske pools again with Candice, Andre and the rest of the South African crew; we were all a little tired but still had a great time relaxing by the water, while the boys swam.
After a quick afternoon nap we hopped back in the car to have dinner with the Williams! I met Carley at our little play date, she is a remarkable mother of 6 girls! one who is in Louis' class, a gorgeous set of twins who are Coops age and a little one Harry's age!! we packed the head lamps and after dark trekked through bush to look for woodland animals, which turned out to be mostly spiders as Aaron was a little loud hehe; all in all a great evening and weekend :)
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