A few months ago i organised with my mum, two brothers, Travis, Jakob and my sister Pipi that we would all fly to Tamworth NSW, to surprise our youngest brother Ford for his 18th birthday… After a bit of organising we managed to get Pip to fly up from Melbourne with my niece and nephew, Jakob and his girl friend Taylor to drive up from Coonamble and Travis and I to meet in Brisbane, hire a car and head to Tamworth.
I meet Trav early tuesday morning in Brisbane, organised the car and in true form headed straight to the beach ;) I've heard so many wonderful things about the Gold Coast and it did not disappoint! clear aqua water, gorgeous white sand and no morning crowds :)
Trav then dragged me back to the car and headed off down the coast towards Tamworth, we made great time even after stopping at the Macadamia Castle just out of Byron Bay mmm mmmmmm…

We spent all Wednesday planning Fords huge surprise. Boxes from Bunnings, which took ages as we had to find some big enough for people to fit in (gosh we must have looked so funny hopping in and out of boxes at the front of Bunnings hehe!) along with cake and party supplies.
Once we were happy with our plan we waited until we could see him get off the school bus then waited and waited inside our boxes for him to come through the door… you can see the full surprise video here soooo sooo funny hehe

//Surprise masterminds!!//

//Birthday boy and his Fordy Frogs Cake//
//happy birthday butthead ;)//

//The five of us reunited at last//
//from left-right, Miabella (my niece) Mum, Jakob, me, Travis, Luca (my nephew) Pipi and Ford :)//
//was a sad good bye saturday morning//